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The most important aspect of our project is to sensitise our community - especially children to the dangers of ocean pollution. In order to do so, Shappy&Co collaborated with a primary school and intervened for 2 hours in a 4th and 5th year class of 21 kids.

Throughout the intervention, the children were very enthusiastic and collaborative. They asked many questions and shared their stories on this issue. As they were already concerned with environmental problems, this intervention was well-fitted for them.


​The session began with a presentation of our project followed by a discussion around pictures, a video and 2 Surfrider posters

Then, in smaller groups of 5 or 6, children “cleaned” a sample of sand and had to distinguish what was natural (seaweeds, shells) from what was non-natural (plastic, cigarette butts, carbage).

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We were very happy to intervene in this class, it was a great moment as much for us as for the children. The school director also seemed very satisfied with our work.

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